An entity deeply rooted in the territory, where it’s been constantly working since its foundation, 60 years ago. The connection between Senzani Brevetti, Faenza and the Romagna region doesn’t only involve the research, business and culture, but also sport. It is even truer since Senzani cooperates with one of the main local sport organizations, the Raggisolaris Faenza, the well-known basketball team that made it to the B series this year. Senzani Brevetti has cooperated with the team for some years now, witnessing the climb to success which started in 2006 in the First Division up to the national third-category championship. The cooperation between the team and the firm began a few years ago, aiming at supporting the sport practice in town and endorsing a healthy entity to promote the values of sport and the local area. For the incoming season, Senzani wanted to strengthen its involvement to make sure the team has all it needs to meet more challenging matches on the B series tournament. Senzani Brevetti will have its place in the court along the Players, as a sponsor. Senzani wishes the players, technical staff and management the best of luck for this new adventure!